soar in 2024!

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Welcome Eagles!

David McNally wrote a book, Even Eagles Need a Push, that used the eagle as an allegory to help people realize that even the accomplished occasionally need a push to reach their full potential.

When we say we want to "soar like eagles," we mean aspiring to rise above obstacles to reach our goals; much like the mighty eagle!

So, How Does This Relate to You?

That’s where we come in with our Goaling Program!

It’s a word we made up! We took it from being a noun and turned it into a verb.

The “ing” added to the word “goal” means to take positive action on your dreams, goals and desires.

Yet, in a “S.M.A.R.T.” way.

That is to turn your goals into reality by making them: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Timebound.

For you, we will be like eagle parents!

We add “food to your nest,” in the form of an insightful short weekly email, and a monthly prerecorded webinar that you can access on demand and a summary of a recommended book or podcast.

Additionally, for a separate fee, coaching is available upon request.

We’re here to help you soar above your obstacles to achieve your goals.

Goaling Webinar

During our Goaling webinar, you'll learn about  the foundation of goal-setting. After our webinar, you’ll come away with a simple and clear plan of action to master your goals.

The Jolley Goaling Circle

When you join our Jolley Goaling Circle, the Jolley Team will serve as your accountability partners and help you stay on track with achieving your goals.