Handwrite Your Goals

By Dee Taylor-Jolley

The article, "The Pen Is Mightier Than the Keyboard: Advantages of Longhand Over Laptop Note Taking" from Psychological Science, Mueller, P. A., & Oppenheimer, D.M. (2014), is a study that demonstrated handwriting engages our brain differently than typing.

When we write by hand, we process information on a conceptual level, which aids in retention.

This means we don't just remember a fact like "a car has an engine." We to come understand how the engine works, why the engine is necessary, and even how it relates to other parts of the car.

Handwriting encourages “conceptual processing” because it takes more effort and time.

We’re more likely to summarize the information, reflect on its meaning, and actively engage with the information, instead of simply transcribing it, which can happen when we type.

I argue that handwriting our goals can lead to better comprehension and memory retention because we’re considering the “why” and “how” behind the information, and not just the “what.”

Handwriting our goals also promotes deeper engagement with our ideas and leads to more effective goal setting.

Similar conclusions were found in the article in the North American Journal of Psychology by Smoker, T. J., Murphy, C. E., & Rockwell, A. K. (2009), entitled "Comparing Memory for Handwritten and Typed Words.”

Individuals who handwrite information tend to remember it better than those who type it!

Writing by hand activates areas of our brain associated with motor skills, memory, and information processing, which helps make goals more memorable and meaningful. And that increases the likelihood of us achieving them.

Note: I have colorful handwritten goals facing me on the wall in my office, on my bathroom mirror and a picture of a flat stomach facing me when I aim to open the refrigerator!

In the article "Digitizing Literacy: Reflections on the Haptics of Writing." Advances in Haptics, by Mangen, A., & Velay, J. L. (2010), the study emphasizes the cognitive and motor benefits of handwriting.
The word “haptics” relates to the sensory feedback experienced while we write by hand. Our tactile sensations, such as feeling the pen on paper and controlling the pressure and movement, help to engage our brain more fully.

This sensory feedback is believed to enhance memory, understanding, and emotional connection with what we write. This is another reason why handwriting is often considered more effective for processing information compared to typing.

The tactile and kinesthetic feedback associated with us writing by hand, helps solidify the information in our brain. This leads to greater retention and a more personal connection to what we write.

So, writing our goals by hand helps us feel more committed and emotionally connected to our goals and objectives and even increases the likelihood of us achieving them.

The Journal of Research in Personality found that people who wrote down their goals had higher levels of life satisfaction and well-being also.

The study found that the act of writing down goals helped people to focus on what they wanted to achieve and provided a sense of accomplishment when they achieved them.

These studies highlight that handwriting provides unique cognitive benefits, fostering deeper processing, memory retention, and emotional engagement. This can make goal-setting more effective compared to typing or texting.

Writing down our goals helps to clarify them for ourselves, increases our focus and motivation, holds us accountable, and even improves our life satisfaction and well-being. Wow!

With these insights in mind, you’ve got ongoing homework!

From now on, we will practice a Brian Tracy habit.

Every night, “hence forth and forever” handwrite your top 7- 10 goals - every night!
And, don’t look back at what you wrote the night before! At the end of 7 days, take a look back.

Were the goals the same? Did they get clearer each time you wrote them? Did the order or importance of the goals change? Did some or all the goals change? Are you more emotionally committed to some than others? Make your changes.

And keep writing and refining your top 7-10 goals every night until you accomplish them all! Then, set new goals!


Dee Taylor-Jolley headshot

Dee Taylor-Jolley is the COO of Willie Jolley Worldwide. She provides back office operational strategies that help small businesses maximize their profits.